Playback Pro Plus IA
This Macintosh application takes full advantage of advances in software stability and graphics capabilities. Using one output as the operator interface, it sends clean video to the secondary video output, utilizing the graphics card for hardware acceleration with complete control over size, aspect ratio, and levels. Since it provides much greater flexibility in both the field and studio, it is intended to replace hardware digital disk recorders, DVD players, and video tape machines.

Feature Box Title
PlaybackPro Plus is the expansion of the core PlaybackPro feature set and includes a mixer for crossfades and direct cuts between clips, support for still images and remote control over ethernet. It makes professional media playback on a Mac quick and simple. Using the same high-end Apple media engine as PlaybackPro, PlaybackPro Plus has been optimized to play virtually any modern Mac file type. The familiar and intuitive interface allows the user to rapidly add media, organize and play clips, set transition times, apply custom settings and save runlists for instant recall, all without altering the original files. The expanded yet flexible show controls allow users to quickly gain confidence and proficiency with the nonlinear function of PlaybackPro Plus.