Now in our 4th year working with the 2000 cap Wilkestock Festival – Being the sole supplier we have pushed the technical production aspects further yet again.
This year a much larger Main stage structure opened up new potential for stage production. More creative lighting rigs were possible, and a dedicated back stage area created with hanging an upstage video wall allowed for smooth band change overs. Headliners this year included “Goldie Looking Chain” – “Dub Pistols” – “Amber Run” – “Stanton Warriors” and “Caspa”
The Site was split into 5 stages – “Main Stage” – “Bramble” – “Bella” – “Rise of Bam” and “Rock up and Rinse”
Main Stage audio was provided by our L acoustics dV-Dosc System and our new SB28 bass enclosures. These provided powerful & consistent sound in the surrounding natural amphitheatre. Soundcraft Vi1 and GB4 desks were used as front of house and monitor consoles and Martin LE12J wedges used for monitoring. The lighting rig featured Sharpie beam lights, Sunstrips, Martin Atomic 3000 Strobes, providing a high impact show day and night.
Our 8.9mm LED video wall was deployed, delivering vibrant video content throughout the day, providing an immersive backdrop to the artists onstage.
“Bramble” – a Dance arena featured the new Funktion one EVO 6 Enclosures combined with F121 bass. This venue also doubled up as a cinema during the day time for young festival goers. Lighting rig consisted of Martin Mac250 Kryptons and sun strips. We also installed a small 8.9mm LED video screen here for a back drop for the DJs
“Bella” – A smaller live stage which turns into another dance arena at night. In here we provided a 2 stacks of L-Acoustics dV-Dosc & dV-Subs. Live mixing utilised an Allen and heath QU32 with Martin LE12J wedge monitors. Lighting rig consisted of Martin Mac 250 Kryptons, Sun strips, Martin Atomic Strobes and high power LED pars Controlled from an Avolites Pearl Tiger console.
“Rise of Bam” – This stage comes with the added twist of being an adventure in itself – Entry is via weaving tunnels and hidden entrances, but once found it opens up into energy packed dance stage hosted by “Bangorang” Inside we used Funktion one AX 88’s combined with F215 mk2 and BR221 Bass cabinets.
“Rock up and Rinse”
This stage is one of the smallest – based in a yurt and only for around 40 people, this cosy surrounding still delivered a lot of punch for its size thanks to 4 x Function 1201 & F118 bass enclosures.